Thank you!

After 38 years in business, having worked with almost 1000 different clients on more than 5000 individual projects across the country, The Preview Group, Inc. has closed its doors as of December 31, 2024. We want to thank everyone who has used our consulting services through the years; those relationships kept the work interesting and the business successful.
Dave Collins and Greg Nicholls, the founding partners of Preview, have decided to retire, as will Sandi Gans, once all financial and administrative matters are formally and legally wrapped up in the next few months. For now, she can still be reached at
Steve Winkel and Sarah Rice have decided to continue offering code consulting services and each has formed a new firm.
Steve’s new contact information is:
Steven R Winkel, FAIA, PE, CASp
2765 Prince Street
Berkeley, CA 94705
Phone: 415-317-0559
And Sarah’s is:
Preview Consulting, LLC
12055 Lick Rd
Cincinnati, OH
Phone: 815-263-7088